This is the FruitLuck at 🔩 unSCruz 2022.
Here you are welcome to exchange your fruit with fruit that is present.
Please place resulting seeds and compost in the designated bags.
If you do not have fruit, you can donate any amount (~$1-5 USD each):
- BTC: bc1qxvtph4m3qdy29wk6run3se4tfqkep7uw6en987
- ETH: 0x147b81Db34e6d4AE19c0037f7f174DC1b1D2A05D
- Venmo: LeelaPlants
- Cash: LeelaPlants
If you do not have any currency, you can contribute labor by handing out some of the business cards, or…
…depositing the compost or sow the seeds in blessed locations.
If you prefer to map your efforts discreetly, set your note as visible to
Copy a link to this note and paste it under + GreenMe in a new 🥗 Compost or 🌰 Sow.
Did you know that mangoes have grown and produced fruit in the San Francisco Bay Area? Learn more!
The mission of the FruitLuck is to provide easy access to sustenance.
The greater FruitLuck mission is to tropicalize Earth’s arable land, in order to stabilize global temperatures and eventually provide the planet’s human population a baseline of free access to nourishing fruit that has coevolved with primates. Namely, durian.
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3 replies on “🍀 FruitLuck 💚 🌰 over”
Vote with your seeds!
Seed votes count in fertile land. Compost!