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Kind of Animal:
Thousands of Beagles, dogs
Living Conditions and Duration (if known):
Cramped cages, subjects of horrific experimentation
Know of other animals in distress? Map an AID‼️ note!
By leela |
Modified on November 2nd, 2023 at 8:27 pm at 7:30 pm |
Activism, Animal in Distress, DXE, felony, slaughterhouse, trial
An organizer who advocated for the release of these chickens has been convicted of a felony. The jury was not allowed to see footage of animal suffering.
DXE message, 11/2/23:
“After 6 days of deliberation, the jury has found animal rescuer Wayne Hsiung GUILTY on three of the four charges in the #SonomaRescueTrial. This includes felony conspiracy and misdemeanor trespass at Sunrise Farms and misdemeanor trespass at Reichardt Duck Farm. The jury could not reach a unanimous verdict on the felony conspiracy charge from the Reichardt action, resulting in a “hung jury” mistrial on that charge.
Wayne was cuffed and immediately taken into custody. He has a sentencing hearing set for November 30th. He will be in jail until then, without bail. We will be mobilizing at the sentencing hearing to support Wayne and defend the #RightToRescue. Please join us on November 30th in Santa Rosa.
Help us tell the world about this breaking news by sharing our posts on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
Wayne will be appealing this conviction, and this means he has the chance to establish case law in the appellate court. Winning an appeal would not only vindicate his actions but also set a legal precedent that would impact future animal rescue cases.
The mass open rescues at Sunrise Farms and Reichardt Duck Farm that led to this trial were last-resort efforts to aid animals after the authorities ignored repeated reports showing clear evidence of criminal animal cruelty. If the jury had been allowed to see the full extent of suffering at these factory farms, they might have understood that the intent of our actions was not to commit a crime but simply to aid severely neglected animals. This conviction won’t stop us from taking action we know is legally and morally right to aid suffering animals.
In fact, immediately after the verdict, DxE activists went straight from the courtroom to the Sonoma County District Attorney’s Office to report new footage from Sunrise Farms and Reichardt that shows sick, injured animals are still languishing at these facilities.
While the District Attorney has been wasting taxpayer money putting animal rescue on trial for the past seven weeks, DxE investigators have been busy documenting violations of animal cruelty laws and rescuing individuals in need of emergency medical care.
Today, we are sharing the stories of two of the animals we’ve saved in the past several weeks, Elsie and River, and we are demanding that the Sonoma County District Attorney finally address the rampant criminal activity at Sunrise and Reichardt. You can help by sharing our video about these breaking rescues on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. And stay tuned for more ways you can support.
Farm’s Phone Number: (707)-762-6314
Related: action at Sunrise Farms
By leela |
Modified on August 11th, 2023 at 9:01 am August 11, 2023 at 9:00 am |
Kind of Animal:
Living Conditions and Duration (if known):
Know of other animals in distress? Map an AID‼️ note!
Kind of Animal:
Living Conditions:
Living on the lake that has trash, including fishing lines that get caught around their legs and cauterize them over time
Recommended Action:
Join the Stringfoot Pigeon Help group to learn how to remove lines and bindings from bird legs and feet.
Know of other animals in distress? Map an AID‼️ note!
^Chicken farm
Animal name (or nickname): Rudy
Kind of Animal: Donkey
Living Conditions and Duration (if known): Small, poop-filled pen, with no friends or room to stroll. Owner, Jack, says that he only feeds Rudy hay and doesn’t take him for walks. (Rudy loves apples.) A longtime visitor of the area estimates this situation has been ongoing for about 9 years.
Signs of Distress: Rudy’s lonely-sounding honks resonate across the valley several times a day; he nips at hands (feed with palm open)
Claimed Owner: Jack
Access Instructions: Find the “Donkey Xing” sign on the road then go north down the slope beside the house. Rudy’s little pen is easily visible.
Recommended Action: Coordinated protests may help Jack consider sending Rudy to greener, larger pastures.
Do you run a sanctuary? Map your sanctuary!
Know of other animals in distress? Map an AID‼️ note!
Discuss liberation options in the comments section.
By leela |
Modified on November 8th, 2023 at 4:11 pm February 3, 2022 at 10:56 am |
Activism, animal abuse, Animal in Distress, DXE, factory farm, farm, News, source
By SaveTheAnimals |
Modified on December 14th, 2023 at 8:33 am April 28, 2021 at 11:35 am |
animal abuse, Animal in Distress, close me now, duck, farm, slaughterhouse, source
The screencapture is of an activist trying to free another activist whose neck got caught in the track.
Kind of Animal:
Thousands of Beagles, dogs
Living Conditions and Duration (if known):
Cramped cages, subjects of horrific experimentation
Know of other animals in distress? Map an AID‼️ note!
An organizer who advocated for the release of these chickens has been convicted of a felony. The jury was not allowed to see footage of animal suffering.
DXE message, 11/2/23:
“After 6 days of deliberation, the jury has found animal rescuer Wayne Hsiung GUILTY on three of the four charges in the #SonomaRescueTrial. This includes felony conspiracy and misdemeanor trespass at Sunrise Farms and misdemeanor trespass at Reichardt Duck Farm. The jury could not reach a unanimous verdict on the felony conspiracy charge from the Reichardt action, resulting in a “hung jury” mistrial on that charge.
Wayne was cuffed and immediately taken into custody. He has a sentencing hearing set for November 30th. He will be in jail until then, without bail. We will be mobilizing at the sentencing hearing to support Wayne and defend the #RightToRescue. Please join us on November 30th in Santa Rosa.
Help us tell the world about this breaking news by sharing our posts on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
Wayne will be appealing this conviction, and this means he has the chance to establish case law in the appellate court. Winning an appeal would not only vindicate his actions but also set a legal precedent that would impact future animal rescue cases.
The mass open rescues at Sunrise Farms and Reichardt Duck Farm that led to this trial were last-resort efforts to aid animals after the authorities ignored repeated reports showing clear evidence of criminal animal cruelty. If the jury had been allowed to see the full extent of suffering at these factory farms, they might have understood that the intent of our actions was not to commit a crime but simply to aid severely neglected animals. This conviction won’t stop us from taking action we know is legally and morally right to aid suffering animals.
In fact, immediately after the verdict, DxE activists went straight from the courtroom to the Sonoma County District Attorney’s Office to report new footage from Sunrise Farms and Reichardt that shows sick, injured animals are still languishing at these facilities.
While the District Attorney has been wasting taxpayer money putting animal rescue on trial for the past seven weeks, DxE investigators have been busy documenting violations of animal cruelty laws and rescuing individuals in need of emergency medical care.
Today, we are sharing the stories of two of the animals we’ve saved in the past several weeks, Elsie and River, and we are demanding that the Sonoma County District Attorney finally address the rampant criminal activity at Sunrise and Reichardt. You can help by sharing our video about these breaking rescues on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. And stay tuned for more ways you can support.
Farm’s Phone Number: (707)-762-6314
Related: action at Sunrise Farms
Kind of Animal:
Living Conditions and Duration (if known):
Know of other animals in distress? Map an AID‼️ note!
Kind of Animal:
Living Conditions:
Living on the lake that has trash, including fishing lines that get caught around their legs and cauterize them over time
Recommended Action:
Join the Stringfoot Pigeon Help group to learn how to remove lines and bindings from bird legs and feet.
Know of other animals in distress? Map an AID‼️ note!
Animal name (or nickname): Rudy
Kind of Animal: Donkey
Living Conditions and Duration (if known): Small, poop-filled pen, with no friends or room to stroll. Owner, Jack, says that he only feeds Rudy hay and doesn’t take him for walks. (Rudy loves apples.) A longtime visitor of the area estimates this situation has been ongoing for about 9 years.
Signs of Distress: Rudy’s lonely-sounding honks resonate across the valley several times a day; he nips at hands (feed with palm open)
Claimed Owner: Jack
Access Instructions: Find the “Donkey Xing” sign on the road then go north down the slope beside the house. Rudy’s little pen is easily visible.
Recommended Action: Coordinated protests may help Jack consider sending Rudy to greener, larger pastures.
Do you run a sanctuary? Map your sanctuary!
Know of other animals in distress? Map an AID‼️ note!
Discuss liberation options in the comments section.
The screencapture is of an activist trying to free another activist whose neck got caught in the track.
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