

I am a(n):
Mask-Free, Man, Native American, White, Straight, Animal Lover, Chef, Forager, Gardener, Nature Lover, Philosopher, Plant Lover, Sensualist, Traveler, Woodworker, Vegan, Communist, Environmentalist, Humanist

Looking for:
Advice, Allies, Casual Affection, Collaborators, Community, Conversation, Cuddle Buddies, Debate, Friends, Garden Party, Hug, Jam Buddies, Meal, Romance, Work Trade

With people who are:

He/Him. Antivaxer, antinatal, & antifascist. Egalitarian anarcho-communist. Emotionally mature, non judgemental, and easygoing. I enjoy learning, documentaries, reading, dancing, flutes, singing, laughing, nature, planting, deep conversation, cooking, & watching the trees move in the wind. RV living. 5 years sober. Don't smoke/drink. 420 friendly. Seeking connection, community, growth, laughter, and adventure. There is so much I could put here but I'd be at it all day. Just ask I'm really friendly and I'm an open book.
❤️You are loved!❤


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